
In real estate, you make your money when you buy.  It’s a common phrase in the business and no truer words have been spoken.  Let that sink in.  You make your money when you buy the property.  Not when you sell.  If you don’t buy the property right, at the right price and or terms…

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Sure anyone can flip a home but not without the proper resources.

To get started you need:
1-Money.. but not necessarily your own money.
2-Real Estate Knowledge… at least the basics.
3-Team of Experts to fill in the gaps. No one knows it all.
4-Courage. You need big brass balls if you’re going to jump neck deep into this business.

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Many people dream of building their own home.  If your dream is to build yours in Arlington County then you need to be very careful in your planning, budgeting and team selection to avoid some of the snags I encountered. Of all the places in the Washington area where I’ve renovated homes or built homes,…

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Back in May, I was presented with a little house over in Alexandria.  The house was vacant and, of course, it was in really rough shape.  It was also very small with only two bedrooms, one bathroom and a dated layout that would not appeal to the modern buyer. This little rambler had less than…

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